Sable Sherer Legacy Society

The Sable Sherer Legacy Society offers AFC’s most passionate supporters the opportunity to make a lasting difference through their estate plans. 

John J. Ahern*
Paul Bowles*
Marvin Edward Carlson*
Gordon R. DenBoer
Ed Diffin and Jeff Savage-Diffin
Toby T. Eveland
Emilio Fanjon*
Mary Flinn*
Robert B. Fordham*
Gargi B. French Trust*
Ron L. Fritz
Janet Goldberg*
Roberta Hartnett*
T. Ronald Jaskinski-Herbert*
William F. Hoffmann*
Ira J. Katzman
Lori Kaufman
Paul Ketz
Stephanie P. Marshall, Ph.D.
Ernie Rodriguez and Ryan McArdle
Kevin C. McGirr
Lawrence J. McKeon*
Gary F. Metzner
Robert H. Neubert
Frank Morreale and Carolyn Neuman
James and Corrine Nieburger*
John O’Grady*
John J. Peller
Neil B. Pomerenke*
Eva Janzen Powell
Robert E. Schnuckel
Joel S. Siegal*
Mary T. Simoni*
Thomas G. Sinkovic
Joseph P. Stokes, Ph.D.
J. Ben Stringfellow
Arthur Tighe*
Max T. Traub*
Tom Tunney
Priscilla Jayne Valdez*


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